Literature Review: Paleogene Period

by Carl Strang

The dramatic departure of the Mesozoic Era and its dinosaurs (as well as a large proportion of other life forms) opened an immense volume of ecological space which was filled by mammals, birds and other diversifying descendants of the survivors. The following are notes from some of last year’s published studies of those early post-Mesozoic epochs.

Blonder, B., et al. 2014. Plant ecological strategies shift across the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary. PLoS Biol 12(9): e1001949. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001949

Chase, J.M. 2014. A plant’s guide to surviving the Chicxulub impact. PLoS Biol 12(9): e1001948. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001948 This study (interpreted in the Chase paper) found that slow-growing evergreen plants were selected against by the “impact winter” effects of the end-Cretaceous impact event. Plant species with faster growth, cheaper expendable leaves, and thus a quick response to changing and fluctuating conditions, had an advantage and better survival.

The following study suggests that all leaf miners, at least in half the continent, went extinct with the end of the Cretaceous. And yes, that is a poison ivy leaf with 4 leaflets.

The following study suggests that all leaf miners, at least in half the continent, went extinct with the end of the Cretaceous. And yes, that is a poison ivy leaf with 4 leaflets.

Carvalho, Mónica R., et al. 2014. Insect leaf-chewing damage tracks herbivore richness in modern and ancient forests. PLoS ONE 9 (5): e94950. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094950  They looked at fossil leaf mines, and concluded that all miners went extinct in western North America with the end of the Cretaceous. Newly evolved leaf mining species appeared within 1 million years.

Wilf, Peter, and Ignacio H. Escapa. 2014. Green web or megabiased clock? Plant fossils from Gondwanan Patagonia speak on evolutionary radiations. New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.13114 They examined a new array of plant fossils and found them to be significantly older than molecular clock studies had indicated they would be. This result points to a need to reconsider molecular dating. It also supports the idea that plants dispersed among the southern continents by continental drift more than by rafting, which had been supported by the younger ages of evolutionary diversification suggested by the molecular dating.

Solé, F., et al. 2014. Dental and tarsal anatomy of ‘miacis’ Latouri and a phylogenetic analysis of the earliest carnivoraforms (mammalia, Carnivoramorpha). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 34(1): 1-21. As described in a ScienceDaily article. They studied fossils (teeth and ankle bones) of a European mammal, Dormaalcyon latouri, from the early Eocene of Belgium, and concluded it is a basal carnivore. It appears to have been arboreal, which implies a continuous forest connecting Eurasia with North America at the time which provided a corridor for carnivore immigration to North America (the age and location suggests that carnivores first evolved in Europe). At the same time it is derived enough to imply that there were early carnivores in the late Paleocene as well.

Rose, Kenneth D., et al. 2014. Early Eocene fossils suggest that the mammalian order Perissodactyla originated in India. Nature Communications 5: 5570 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6570 As described in a ScienceDaily article. They found fossils bridging Perissodactyla with earlier mammalian groups, from around 56 million years ago, when India still was an island drifting toward Asia. This suggests that the group originated there during that period of isolation. It has been speculated that primates likewise started there, though that has yet to be determined.

Mayr, G., and V. Wilde. 2014. Eocene fossil is earliest evidence of flower-visiting by birds. Biology Letters 10 (5): 20140223. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0223 As described in a ScienceDaily article. They describe a 47-million-year-old fossil bird with stomach contents dominated by diverse pollens, and with anatomy consistent with nectar feeding, and conclude that this is the oldest known bird species that visited flowers.

Prehistoric Life 17

by Carl Strang

This year’s winter series is a review of the prehistoric life and geologic history of northeast Illinois. Each chapter will summarize current understanding, gleaned from the literature, of what was going on with life on Earth in a particular span of time, what we know about the local landscape, and what we can say about local life. I include some references, particularly to papers published in the journal Science which commonly is available at public libraries. Contact me if you need sources for other items. The Earth is so old that every imaginable environment was here at some point, from ocean depths to mountaintops, from equatorial tropics to tundra, and from wetlands to desert.

Neogene Period (23.3 million years ago-present), Miocene Epoch (23.3-5.2 million years ago)

The Neogene Period (named in 1853) defines a time when a significant portion of fossil species (or at least very close relatives of them) still are in existence. The Miocene Epoch (established 1833), literally “few recent,” originally was defined by the percentage of then known fossil mollusk species still living (17%).

Life on Earth. Warming but continued dry conditions prevailed through most of the Miocene, giving way to renewed cooling in the late Miocene. This cooling was caused at least in part by the continuing growth of the Antarctic ice sheet. The resultant drop in sea level established land bridge connections from North America to South America and Asia. Continental growth, and also the rise of major mountain ranges, increased the seasonality of climate, and changed ocean circulation patterns, with upwelling zones probably setting up the conditions favoring pinniped (sea lion, etc.) evolution in the middle Miocene.

Harbor seal. Pinnipeds underwent a significant radiation in the Miocene.

Grasslands spread in the Miocene. The Perissodactyla had been the dominant ungulates, with their diversity peaking in the Eocene, but in the Miocene they declined (though rhinoceroses remained prominent throughout the epoch), while the Artiodactyla increased. The latter ungulates’ advantage may have been their ruminant digestive tract and complex high-crowned teeth, good for grazers (this was true of the larger division of artiodactyls; the pigs and hippopotami lack these specializations). Camels were very diverse in the Miocene, a remarkable example being the 12-foot-tall, giraffe-like browser Aepycamelus.

Bactrian camels, Brookfield Zoo. The camels, which had their start in North America, were very diverse on our continent in the Miocene.

The deer family appeared early in the Miocene in the Old World. By the middle Miocene, the diversification and evolution of horses was represented in part by the first one-toed species, Pliohippus of North America. Horses did not develop high-crowned molars until 4 million years after the grasses replaced trees as the dominant vegetation in the Great Plains, but their limb structure changed more quickly, so that they were able to survive by efficiently traveling longer distances between suitable habitat patches (Science 306:1467). Ungulate diversity peaked in the mid-Miocene, perhaps because frequent disturbance by the large proboscideans (gomphotheres and mastodons, which migrated into North America at that time) diversified the grassland savanna that had developed. Toward the end of the Miocene, however, much of the savanna gave way to grasslands, and there were extinctions of many of these ungulates and proboscideans.

Prairies and other grassland ecosystems spread into North America and became important here in the Miocene.

The departure of forests from much of North America is associated with the vanishing of primates from this continent.  Miocene land connections to South America and Asia resulted in significant immigrations and extinctions. Sabertooth cats and other Felidae first immigrated from Asia in the middle Miocene (ending the so-called “cat gap”).  Other new Miocene arrivals from Asia included bears, skunks, and badgers; from South America, ground sloths. There was a diversification of canids (dog family), mustelids (weasel family) and amphicyonids, though in the late Miocene the amphicyonids became extinct. The American white-footed mouse genus Peromyscus first appeared in the Miocene, and Spermophilus ground squirrels in the middle Miocene. Flying squirrels had their start in Asia in the early Miocene, with the split between Old World and North American flying squirrels happening in the late Miocene. The dominant carnivores in South America were marsupials in the Tertiary through the Miocene. The first member of the opossum genus, Didelphis solimoensis, showed up in the fossil record of Brazil in the latter part of the Miocene. Marsupials went extinct in North America in the Miocene, however.

Bears evolved in the Old World, and crossed the Bering Sea land bridge into North America in the Miocene.

Modern bird families were established in the Miocene, and the land bird orders other than the passerines underwent their great diversification. The passerine (perching birds) explosion began in the late Miocene. The first modern genera of birds began to appear in the Miocene, as well.

Local landscape. Subtropical forest of the early Miocene gave way to warm temperate to cooler temperate forests. The Texas gulf coast was swampy, so our climate very likely was at least as moist as today. We were between known areas of forests in New England that were warm temperate (hickories, chestnuts, hollies, mulberries, gums, oaks, buckthorns, elms, grapes) and shrubland-savannas on the Plains (invaded by grasses and prairie forbs as the Miocene progressed). The closest Miocene deposits are in western Nebraska, south central South Dakota, central Mississippi and SW Maryland.

Local life. Throughout the Miocene, browser-grazer pairs of rhinoceroses were found all over North America in savanna environments (the most common genera were Aphelops and Teleoceras, respectively; Teleoceras appears to have been a herding, and possibly semiaquatic species). If our area was more forested, we may have had only a browsing species. Rhinos became extinct in North America at the end of the Miocene. It seems likely that our area witnessed the transition from perissodactyl to artiodactyl dominance. Forms of rhinos (5 genera), tapirs (2 genera), horses (14 genera), dromomerycids (an extinct group of deer-like woodland browsers with horned males) and camels (5 genera, including the giraffe-like Aepycamelus) probably were here. The oreodonts were a diverse group of pig-like herbivorous artiodactyls, with at least 4 genera probably here in the Miocene. Carnivora would have been the dominant predators (diverse dogs, weasels, the large bears Indarctos and Plionarctos, “bear-dogs,” large cats, and the saber-toothed nimravid Barbourofelis), but there was also the entelodont Dinohyus. The Miocene also saw the arrival of the first proboscideans, or elephant relatives. These may have had a significant impact, killing the trees that they fed on and thus disturbing the vegetation so as to create more habitat diversity. There likely were 3 genera here, including two that were relatively elephant-like, and one that had shovel-like lower tusks that it probably used both to scoop up aquatic plants and to scrape bark from trees.

Prehistoric Life 14

by Carl Strang

This year’s winter series is a review of the prehistoric life and geologic history of northeast Illinois. Each chapter will summarize current understanding, gleaned from the literature, of what was going on with life on Earth in a particular span of time, what we know about the local landscape, and what we can say about local life. I include some references, particularly to papers published in the journal Science which commonly is available at public libraries. Contact me if you need sources for other items. The Earth is so old that every imaginable environment was here at some point, from ocean depths to mountaintops, from equatorial tropics to tundra, and from wetlands to desert.

Cenozoic Era, Paleogene Period (65-23.3 million years ago), Paleocene Epoch (65-56.5 mybp)

The Cenozoic Era was named (1841) for the fossil life that characterized it, literally translated “recent life.” Formerly it was divided into two periods, the Tertiary and Quaternary, which no longer are recognized. In recent years it officially has been divided into two different periods, the Paleogene and the Neogene. A proposal under consideration would subdivide the Neogene, reinstating a Quaternary Period that would contain the most recent Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs. The Paleogene Period, established in 1866, defines a time when only a small portion of its fossil species or their very close relatives still are in existence today. It is subdivided into epochs, the first of which is today’s focus. The Paleocene Epoch, first defined in 1874, literally means “ancient recent.” Following Lyell’s original scheme of dividing the Cenozoic Era’s time according to percentage of marine fossil mollusk species still living, the Paleocene has none still living today.

Life on Earth. In New Zealand, researchers have found a heavy layer of fungal spores representing the first few years after the “Chixculub impact” that ended the Mesozoic Era and began the Paleocene (see below). Such abundant fungi performed the decomposition that followed a “wholesale dieback of photosynthetic vegetation” (and this was halfway around the world from the impact site). The fungi were followed by a burst of ferns, a delay then until conifers got going, then a greater delay to the recovered dominance of flowering plants (Science 303:1489). The largest vertebrate to survive the Cretaceous was the freshwater fish-eating reptile Champsosaurus, which survived to the Eocene in North America and Europe.

Imagine a world covered in fungi. That is the image we have of the Earth during the months to years immediately following the impact of the asteroid that marked the beginning of the Paleocene Period. Surviving animals had to be small sized and capable of living on fungi, seeds, or other small animals.

Plant diversity and insect diversity generally were much lower in the Paleocene than in the late Cretaceous, with interesting exceptions that indicate millions of years were needed to re-establish equilibrium in communities of plants and the insects eating them. For instance, in southeastern Montana a high diversity of plant-eating insects occurred on a low-diversity plant community, while another community in Colorado had high plant diversity but low insect diversity (Science 313:1112).

The warmth of the late Paleocene allowed narrow-snouted crocodilians to live in North America and Europe as far north as New Jersey.

The Cenozoic was the time when mammals came to dominate terrestrial animal life on Earth, with the greatest rate of evolution of new families and genera occurring in the early Paleocene. Australia became isolated in the Paleocene, cutting off the flow of marsupials from Antarctica and South America and setting the stage for the most significant marsupial fauna on Earth to evolve from then until recent times. However, North America remained connected to both Asia and Europe through the Paleocene.

Today’s marsupial-dominated Australian fauna, including this wombat, continue a legacy established in the Paleocene.

Paleocene mammals included the multituberculates, a primitive group now extinct, that had been the dominant Cretaceous mammal group. They reached their diversity peak in the Paleocene.

Early carnivore-like mammals, the creodonts (now extinct), appeared in the Paleocene of North America and Europe (with the departure of the dinosaurs, there was an open niche for predators of terrestrial vertebrates as the Paleocene began). True carnivores also emerged in the Paleocene, but the Carnivora of the Paleocene and early Eocene were relatively small and generalized predators, comparable to martens. Thus the creodonts were the significant predatory mammals of these times, rising to prominence in the late Paleocene. 

Another important Paleocene mammal group were the condylarths, a somewhat artificial order that gave rise to the ungulates and whales. The earliest condylarths were rat-sized, but they diversified and ultimately included enormous species. Most were generalized in diet, though some tended more toward herbivory and others were more carnivorous.

Treeshrews arose in the early Paleocene (Science 318:792). In the late Paleocene, new groups that appeared were order Perissodactyla (including horses in North America), bats (early bats were flying before they developed the echolocation ability: Science 318:1237), Edentata (in S. America), and rodents (in N. America). Unusually well preserved skulls of a species in the extinct family Apatemyidae reported in 2010 tie the primates to the rodents, treeshrews and flying lemurs.

Fossil bird, Field Museum collection. Modern birds came into their own in the Paleocene.

Out of the great diversity of early bird groups, only one (Neornithes, the modern birds) survived past the end of the Cretaceous. The modern orders of birds diverged during the Paleocene.

Local landscape. Our area may have been directly affected by the meteorite that struck the Yucatan area to end the Mesozoic era. There is evidence that the meteorite came in at a shallow angle from the south, and so scattered debris into North America. Our continent’s forests were flattened except in the far north and in refugia where mountains provided protection from the blast. A tsunami would have been funneled straight into the mid-American sea, and conceivably could have reached Illinois. After the time when photosynthetic vegetation was largely or entirely killed off, as mentioned above, much of the continent may have been “little more than a field of ferns” for up to thousands of years (Science 294: 1668-9) as surviving spores and seeds in the soil re-established terrestrial vegetation. Incidentally, astronomers are 90% certain that the source of the Cretaceous-ending meteorite was a collision between asteroids beyond Mars nearly 100 million years earlier (Science 317:1310).

Our area remained dry land throughout the Cenozoic, though the sea touched the southern tip of Illinois in the Paleocene and Eocene (leaving the nearest deposits for those epochs to here). The climate was warm, moist and tropical with little seasonality in the Paleocene. Tropical forests developed here after the recovery from the meteorite damage.

Local life. At our latitude in the Paleocene there were diverse ferns, ginkgoes, araucarias, palms, members of the walnut and birch families, dogwoods, chestnuts, oaks, sycamores, hackberries, elms, spicebush, sassafras, magnolias, and members of the grape family. Our forest would have been tropical, and evergreen or seasonally deciduous at different points in the Paleocene.

Later in the Paleocene, creodonts were likely here. The first large local mammalian predator was likely a cat-like creodont in the genus Oxyaena. Other creodonts showed adaptations for scavenging. Hyaenodontids were creodonts adapted for running, like dogs or hyenas.

There was an early North American group of primitive mammals, the Taeniodonta, resembling ground sloths but not related to them, that lasted from the early Paleocene to the late Eocene (widely distributed, but always rare; the genus Ectoganus probably was represented locally by a species in the 100-200-pound range).

Most known species of the diverse “order” of condylarths were North American. They were mainly omnivorous, though the most primitive one, Protoungulatum from the early Paleocene of North America and Europe, was more of a specialized predator. The majority, however, were ecologically more like raccoons or bears. Others were more on the vegetarian end of the scale, like pigs and peccaries. The widespread, sheep-sized Phenacodus, late Paleocene to middle Eocene, and its relatives are a good candidate as the ancestors of the Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates such as horses). Ungulates in the order Mesonychia tended to predatory habits, and among them were the largest mammals of the early Paleocene (10x the usual rat size). Later, still larger members of this group shared predatory dominance with the creodonts. Coyote-sized Dissacus occurred all over the northern hemisphere.

In the late Paleocene and early Eocene our area may have had a species of Coryphodon, a genus ranging through Europe, Asia and North America, possibly a swamp dweller with a generalist diet. These were members of the Paleocene-Eocene order Pantodonta, among the earliest post-Cretaceous mammals to attain large size. Species ranged from tapir- to ox-sized.

Multituberculates were important in nearly all Paleocene faunas in North America. They ranged from small mouse to beaver in size. An example is Ptilodus, a squirrel-like tree-dweller that probably was an omnivore (I think here of the scrat, the acorn-obsessed critter in the Ice Age animated films). Another North American multituberculate, Taeniolabis, was beaver sized and (unusual for the time) a specialized herbivore.

Early arboreal mammals in North America were primates or primate relatives similar to today’s treeshrews. A late-Paleocene genus, Plesiadapis, occurred in both North America and Europe. Another family culminated in the genus Carpolestes, possessing the only fingernails (as opposed to claws) known outside the true primates. Two families were lemur-like.

The fish-eating Champsosaurus, mentioned above, may have inhabited local rivers. There would have been a variety of birds, locally, too.